Censored Data Analysis (NMST511), exercise class

Arnošt Komárek


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Censored Data Analysis (NMST511), exercise class

Winter semester 2024–25

SIS pages of the course:    ENG    CZE


Lectures: Thursday 11:30 in K3    (doc. RNDr. Daniel Hlubinka, Ph.D.)
Exercise class: Monday 17:20 in K10C   


In the first few weeks of semester the slot of the exercise class will be used for the lecture as well.


Exercise 1 (11/11/2024)

Topic: Parametric regression models for censored data
Dataset:  pbc dataset from the R package survival
Assignment:  Find a suitable model for the survival time and interpret it.

Exercise 2 (18/11/2024)

Topic: Non-parametric estimation of cumulative hazard and survival function
Dataset:  fans
Assignment:  Calculate and plot [NA], [KM], [FH] estimates, both manually and using the survfit function from the survivalpackage.

Exercise 3 (optional)

Topic: Actuarial (lifetable) estimator of the survival
Dataset 1:  NursingHome
Dataset 2:  mort2022
Dataset 3:  umrtnost_cr_m_2022
Dataset 4:  umrtnost_cr_z_2022
Assignment:  Actuarial (lifetable) estimators of the survival.

Exercise 4 (25/11/2024)

Topic: Confidence intervals and bands for the survival function
Dataset:  km_all
Assignment:  Confidence intervals and bands for the survival function.

Exercise 5 (02/12/2024)

Topic: Testing equality of survival distributions and choice of the two-sample test statistic
Dataset:  km_all
Assignment:  Two-sample comparisons.

Exercise 6 (09/12/2024)

Topic: Building the Cox model (time-constant covariates)
Dataset:  pbc dataset from the R package survival
Assignment:  Proportional hazard models.

Exercise 7 (19/12/2023)

Topic: Time-varying covariates in the Cox model
Dataset:  jasa and heart datasets from the R package survival


The course credit for the exercise class will be awarded to the student who hands in a satisfactory solution to each assignment by the prescribed deadline. The nature of these requirements precludes any possibility of additional attempts to obtain the exercise class credit.


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